Sunday, July 4, 2010

Finding and picking up the trailer

So I found the trailer on Craigslist, it was advertised as a “17’ 61 Winged Shasta.” Having no experience or clue, I bought the trailer. It turns out there is no such thing and the trailer is a 16’ 63 Shasta 16-SC (I think). The paper on the inside of the kitchen cabinets references two trailer types the Astrodome and 16-SC. Since there is no overhang I am assuming it is the 16-SC. The trip home was an adventure all by itself but I will not go into that for now.

Because of my inexperience, I might have paid more that it was worth but not by much. My current plan for the trailer is going to be a total interior restore. For the outside, because I want to use the trailer as quickly as possible, besides restoring the windows, I am only going to repair safety issues. As is always the case, I am sure once I dig in I will find surprises that require I get more involved with the restore than planned.

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